A few more months and we can declare it done!

Dear students and our supporters,
we will contact you again after a short pause. Last time, we informed you about the webinar that our school organized to present to a wide professional public the emerging set of textbooks and workbooks, which, we believe, will soon be available for children, their parents and teachers.

We took a break in December, although this does not mean that we are not working hard. All partners in the project have often met together through online platforms and exchanged opinions on various specific professional or technical procedures for emerging activities.

This brought us one step closer to meeting the project's goals. But we would like to inform you a little more specifically.

The workbook for our preschoolers, which has the working title The world around us in Slovak, has already been prepared, at this time our teachers and partners from the educational centers are testing the last chapter. After that, we are waiting for the "cleaning" of the entire material, its finalization into the final form and, of course, the printing of the workbook. Dear colleagues, parents and especially students, we believe that this workbook will soon be useful in your Slovak lessons. We attach a few samples from the work in the lessons with the workbook.

In January, our work also continued on the First Contact Textbook. In our partner centers in Paris, Birmingham and Dublin, the penultimate, i.e. the eighth, chapter has already started to be tested in classes. The evaluations from the testing of the previous chapters are an encouragement to us that all our joint efforts have a meaning. These days, our illustrator has completed the work on the last chapter of this publication, and soon our testers in different corners of Europe and here at iCan will get to know this last chapter as well.

Of course, we do not forget to help our partners from ŠPÚ with the finishing work on the Translation Dictionary, some illustrations of the dictionary's pictorial appendix are being edited, we are checking the accuracy of the translations. And a lot of work still awaits us in the last publication, which was named Slovak in school. In addition, the school managed to move from January 2022 to Pannónska cesta 17, where we got pleasant spaces for work and study.

Our project is slowly heading towards the destination station after more than two years. We still have a few months to complete the finishing works, because due to the Corona crisis, the implementation deadline was extended by 3 months. So we end on May 31, 2022. We're ending, but we're also starting at the same time. Since this project will also have a continuation, better said, a new project will smoothly follow it. But more about that next time.

Be well, be healthy. We are looking forward to our next joint meeting already before the final dot behind the project.

Your iCan team