Online meeting with partners from Birmingham

Dear supporters of our school,
as we wrote to you in June, we had a virtual meeting with the project partners in Paris. The summer passed and Birmingham welcomed us at the end of October. It's a shame that it was an online meeting. However, we hope that some of the planned transnational meetings of project participants will also take place in reality, as we received excellent news in October, namely the approval of a new project for iCan with Erasmus+ support. The project will follow on from this ongoing one, and the partners will also continue the project with us. So we have hope that the pandemic will finally pass and we will meet "live". Until then, however, technology had to help us and thanks to it, our Birmingham meeting took place without any major obstacles.
For an introduction, a teacher from the Czech & Slovak Club educational center introduced Birmingham. Birmingham, the second largest city in Great Britain, is a very interesting city that has a lot to offer its visitors. It is a mecca of interesting buildings, in the city center there are many churches, a cathedral, a Town Hall - a concert hall with unique acoustics, but I was attracted by an architectural gem - the futuristic reconstruction of the Bullring department store, or Selfridges, designed by the world-famous Czech architect Jan Kaplický. But Birmingham has so much more to offer. But back to our meeting.

After getting to know the city, the head teacher of the educational center took us through the Slovak Educational Center, a school where textbooks are tested. And we must say that the school and the classrooms are very nice. We also learned about interesting extracurricular activities that school teachers organize for their students.

The most important point of our meeting was the transfer of knowledge from the testing of teaching materials and the exchange of experience from testing between the teachers of other schools. About the testing of chapter no. 6 and the comparison of the differences between online and face-to-face testing, teacher Bambúchová. For your better idea, all the teachers prepared their presentations from the testing directly linked to the videos from the lessons. For us, who come into contact with textbooks mainly in the process of their creation, it is extremely rewarding to see the teaching material in the hands of students and to watch the work of teachers using the results of our joint work. Another interesting point of our meeting were the presentations from the testing of the 1st chapter of the Slovak language textbook for individual years of elementary school. This textbook is intended for those children for whom Slovak is not their mother language, who immigrated to Slovakia and are pupils of primary schools in Slovakia. They do not speak Slovak at a sufficient level, but they have already mastered the basics of the language, for example with the help of our First Contact Textbook. Since they are pupils of individual grades of Slovak primary schools, they have to deal with grammar and Slovak literature in Slovak lessons, just like their Slovak classmates. And that's exactly what this publication is supposed to help them with. The results of testing the first chapter brought us, the co-creators, a lot of knowledge and warnings about what we still have to work on. Of course, even the teachers working with young preschoolers could not be embarrassed and showed us samples from the testing of ch. 4 of this publication. We saw the children's work with an interactive whiteboard using the prepared teaching materials.

After a lunch break, we watched examples of lessons from testing in the Petit Slavik partner learning centers and also in eMeLeS in Dublin. We divided the tasks for the next period. We believe that soon our textbooks will be finalized and ready for printing, so that they can help your children in the teaching process. We look forward to this moment. Soon we will present our books and workbooks on a webinar to the professional public.

Keep your fingers crossed for us in our work. Until we meet again, be well and stay healthy!

Iveta Tunegova