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Clauses for the educational publication of our books

Dear supporters of our school,
we are pleased to announce that our books have officially become textbooks!

The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic, in full compliance with the provisions of Section 13 (4) and (6) of Act No. 245/2008 Coll. on Education and Training (Education Act) and on Amendments and Additions to Certain Acts, as amended, and on the basis of the approval protocol drawn up by the National Institute of Education and Youth in Bratislava, issues the endorsements for the educational publications
  • The world around us in Slovak
  • Aha, Slovak! Textbook for children of foreigners and expatriates
  • Aha, Slovak! Workbook 1 and 2 by Mgr. Klaudia Báčkai, Mgr. Martina Uličná, PhD.

This step of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic reflects the importance of quality and contemporary teaching material for students in their education.By approving our books as textbooks, the Ministry shows its confidence in their content and their contribution to the quality of the educational process. This decision paves the way for schools and teaching staff to use these textbooks in their teaching activities.

Order the textbook The World Around Us in Slovak
Order the textbook Aha, Slovak! Textbook for children of foreigners and expatriates
Order Aha, Slovak! Workbook 1 and
Workbook 2
2023-05-12 13:10