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Results of the webinar - Education of children of foreigners in the Slovak Republic 05/31/2022

On May 31, 2022, our school organized a webinar as part of the Erasmus+ project Slovak for children of foreigners - a tool for educators and parents in the inclusion of children of foreigners in the educational process in the Slovak Republic. The goal of the event was to present the project's outputs to a wide professional public:
  • workbook for preschool children The world around us in Slovak,
  • textbook Aha, slovenčina!
  • textbook Slovenčina v škole,
  • Translation dictionary of basic terms
  • Manual for the inclusion of children of foreigners in the educational process.

The webinar was attended by 26 people interested in the given issue (in addition to the participants of the project partners), together with the teachers of the educational centers collaborating on the project and the employees of ŠPÚ and iCan, 31 people were connected. In addition to this number, there were also a few interested people who could not join for work reasons, so we sent them the video from the webinar after it ended.

Overall, it was mainly teaching and management staff from schools with a high percentage of pupils for whom Slovak is not their mother tongue. Among the participants were also representatives from foreign educational centers that specialize in teaching Slovak in Slovak communities abroad and other professional members of the public. Representatives teaching Slovak abroad also showed interest and participated in the webinar, e.g. from foreign elementary schools with the Slovak language of instruction from OŠ Josip Kozarac Josipovac Punitovački from Croatia, from the Slovak weekend school Margarétka in Paris or from universities from departments of Slavic studies - Sofia University of St. Kliment Ohridský in Bulgaria, Faculty of Slavic Philology and others.

The aim of the webinar was to provide all participants with detailed information about the progress of the implementation of individual activities and the participation of all partners in them. The aim was also to ensure the dissemination of information about our textbooks and supplementary teaching materials to a wide professional public.

Contributions were communicated directly by the authors of individual teaching materials. At the beginning, Alona Kurotová, the founder of the iCan school and the "mother" of the idea of the project, briefly reviewed the progress of the work on the project. She also informed about the availability of textbooks after the end of the project in both printed and electronic form.

Then the author of the textbook Aha, Slovak took up the floor. Mr. Báčkai and Mr. Street.
P. Uličná briefly drew attention to individual chapters of the textbook (topics, vocabulary, grammatical phenomena, etc.). She also described the strategy of the authors' approach to vocabulary development when working with the textbook.

The webinar continued with the presentation of the publications The World Around Us in Slovak and Slovak in School. Presented by Mr. Hirschnerová, co-author of both publications. Her presentation was supplemented with samples from PZ Svet oko nas in Slovak and also richly illustrated nursery rhymes.

The last speaker was Mr. Pišová from ŠPÚ. She introduced the webinar participants to the work with the Translation Dictionary, which is supplemented by a richly illustrated picture appendix. She also focused on clarifying the structure of the Manual and the possibilities of working with this publication.
We recorded a video from the webinar, which we also made available to those whose work obligations prevented them from joining at the time of the webinar.

Work on our project entered the final stage. All that remains is printing and distribution to you who are waiting for these textbooks. You - the teachers and students who will work with the books - will breathe real life into them. We believe that our textbooks will meet your expectations.

Have a nice summer and enjoy your lessons with our textbooks.
2022-05-31 13:52